At the Indian Holi, the festival of colors, all people are equal -
a wonderful idea

We live in a privileged environment with great future prospects from childhood. Our vision and at the same time deep obligation is to give children who never have these opportunities hope for a life with a future.
The great poverty and millions of orphans in India who live on the streets is unbelievable and humbling. Aashita was our answer, you just can't just watch , but must do something. Every child saved is a step towards a better world.
We have decided to take in a small group of girls and give them not only a warm home but also the best possible education, so that they later than as adult can carry on this project and the world will become a little fairer .
The association is run on a voluntary basis, all donations go to where they are needed, to the local girls.
The associat is run on a voluntary basis, all donations go to where they are needed, to the local girls.